About mold design?


According to the definition of national occupation, mol […]

According to the definition of national occupation, mold design is: a person who is engaged in the digital design of enterprise molds, including cavity mold parts and cold stamping dies, based on traditional mold design, fully applies digital design tools, improves mold design quality, and shortens mold design cycle.
The overall structure of the stamping die can be divided into two parts:
(1) Common parts.
(2) The part that varies depending on the product. Common parts can be standardized or standardized, and parts that vary by product are difficult to standardize.
1. The composition of the template
The composition of the stamping die will vary according to the type and composition of the die, and there are two types of structure: forward configuration and reverse configuration. The former is the most commonly used structure, and the latter structure is mainly used for drawing forming molds or matching special molds.
2. Mold specifications
(1) Mold size and locking screw

The size of the template should be larger than the working area, and choose the standard template size. The position configuration of the template locking screw is related to the mold type and template size. Among them, single-engine molds are most commonly used with locking screws at the four corners, and the most standard form of work area can be widely used. Long-shaped molds and continuous molds are most commonly used with locking screws at the four corners and middle positions.
(2) The thickness of the template
The thickness of the template is absolutely related to the structure of the mold, the type of stamping processing, the processing force of the stamping, and the precision of the stamping processing. It is difficult to determine the thickness of the mold based on theoretical calculations. Generally, it is determined by experience. The thickness of the template used in the design should be as small as possible, and the mold height and clamping height should be standardized to facilitate purchase and inventory management.

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